There are a few basic things regarding the OpenCart shopping cart system which every OC store owner is good to be aware of. In this blogpost we will cover the topic on the default footer in OpenCart 2.x and how you can easily edit the links in it.
Continue reading Functional Footer Layouts with iCustomFooter
February 5, 2015
Not long ago the whole new, redesigned and polished OpenCart 2.0 was officially released. Working on the version of our popular iCustomFooter compatible with the new OpenCart, we made a lot of improvements in our module which allow you to achieve even more impressive and functional footer layouts.
In this post I will explain more about iCustomFooter layouts and will give you some useful tips about the proper layout configuration of the module.
Continue reading Using iCustomFooter in Multilingual environment
January 18, 2013
International web store owners, running more than one language on their OpenCart store can strongly benefit from the multi language support of iCustomFooter. This blogpost is aimed as a quick tutorial on how to set up iCustomFooter for your second/third/fourth etc languages.
Continue reading Supercharged Custom Footer for OpenCart
October 10, 2012
The idea for a custom footer solution for OpenCart, which later evolved into iCustomFooter, got into circulation while we were working on Organica Premium OpenCart Theme. We wanted to create a one-fit-all footer solution that is resource-rich, easily customisable, while at the same time provides the flexibility and blends well, with any OpenCart store. Before long iCustomFooter was born. Since then, we have been meticulously working on improving, updating and adding new features, which brought iCustomFooter to today's position of a preferred custom footer choice among developers, webshop owners and OpenCart aficionados.
Continue reading Using iCustomFooter with vQmod
July 3, 2012
Often our customers have scenarios that require integrating iCustomFooter on OpenCart with a installed vQmod. Although it is a standard and relatively straight-forward install procedure, sometimes the vQmod cache may produce warnings when loading the iCustomFooter or may not load it at all.
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