NotifyWhenAvailable notifies customers when a product that is currently out of stock goes back to stock. The module makes it easy for you to keep customers up to date with the products that they want to purchase but are unfortunately out of stock. In this Q&A we will cover some of the most common questions with our product.
Continue reading Turn Out-of-Stock Products into Sales with NotifyWhenAvailable
January 27, 2016
Accurate stock level communication can help you bring back a lot of profit that you are losing from products that are temporarily unavailable. This post will explain how you can take advantage of out-of-stock products and keep selling using the NotifyWhenAvailable module.
Continue reading How to Manage OpenCart Stock Statuses
July 28, 2015
The stock status shows your customers the current stock of each product in your online store. OpenCart uses the current quantity of a product to determine the stock status displayed in your store’s product page. If the quantity of a product is above 0, the availability of a product in the front store will be always set to In Stock. When the quantity is 0, OpenCart gives you the option to choose the Out-of-Stock status for the specific product from the admin panel. There are a couple of pre-set OpenCart Out-Of-Stock statuses you can choose from and in this blogpost we will show you how you can edit them, add more of them and change their color.
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