The Event system in OpenCart 3.0 is a significant improvement over OCMOD, which was dominating modifications and extensions before the newest version of the platform was released.
Continue reading How to Add a 'Clear Cart' Button in The OpenCart 3.x Shopping Cart
November 28, 2017
Let's show you an easy way to add a button that clears the OpenCart 3.0 shopping cart with one single click.
Continue reading How to Automatically Generate Invoice Numbers in OpenCart 2.x
July 11, 2016
OpenCart enables you, as a store admin, to generate order invoices with just a few clicks. However, order invoice numbers are not automatically added to the invoice, but they have to be pre-generated, which is rather cumbersome. In this tutorial we will demonstrate how you can automate this process. Keep on reading if you would like to know how you can save time by adding a simple modification, which will automatically generate invoice number at the moment of order placing.
Continue reading How to Add Sorting by Date to the Product List in OpenCart 2.x
February 22, 2016
In this blogpost, we will demonstrate how you can easily add a new field to your products list - date of creation and a date sorting. This will enable you to order your products starting from the most recent ones to the oldest ones or vice versa.
Continue reading OpenCart 2.x Modification System
October 30, 2015
OpenCart Modification System known as OCMOD is a simplified virtual file modification system that is native since OpenCart 2.0. It allows store owners to modify and extend the behavior of their stores, without modifying core files, just by uploading a compressed file containing XML, PHP or SQL files extending the core system files. This approach guarantees trouble-free performance even after the modification is removed.
Continue reading How to Solve the Duplicate Content Issue in OpenCart? (Updated)
July 31, 2015
Read this post to learn how to solve the duplicate content issue on your OpenCart store to increase your search engine ranking.
Continue reading How to Manage OpenCart Stock Statuses
July 28, 2015
The stock status shows your customers the current stock of each product in your online store. OpenCart uses the current quantity of a product to determine the stock status displayed in your store’s product page. If the quantity of a product is above 0, the availability of a product in the front store will be always set to In Stock. When the quantity is 0, OpenCart gives you the option to choose the Out-of-Stock status for the specific product from the admin panel. There are a couple of pre-set OpenCart Out-Of-Stock statuses you can choose from and in this blogpost we will show you how you can edit them, add more of them and change their color.
Continue reading OCMOD not working?
June 12, 2015
Sometimes OpenCart’s OCMOD system may stop working on the front-end and you may spend some quality time looking for the reason. It seems like cases like this are quite common, so here are a few guides on how to fix OCMOD related issue yourself.
Continue reading How to hide your Add-to-Cart Button and your Product Price in OpenCart 2.0.x
April 29, 2015
As an OpenCart store owner you are well aware of the Add-to-Cart button and the product price that are displayed next to each product in your store. There are a few good reasons why you might want to remove these two, but unfortunately OpenCart doesn’t give you the possibility to disable them from the admin panel. This is why we have prepared this short tutorial for you that will show you how you can do this on your own. We will create two OCmod files that will make the needed modifications without the need of changing the core files.
Continue reading How to remove 'Compare this Product' and 'Add to Wish List' in OpenCart 2.0
March 13, 2015
‘Compare this Product’ and ‘Add to Wish List’ are great features in OpenCart however for some stores they are just not needed. Unfortunately there is no functionality or setting where you can disable these two features. In this tutorial I will show you how to remove the ‘Compare this Product’ and ‘Add to Wish List’ buttons from all places in your OpenCart store.
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