[iSenseLabs Weekly 62] New OpenCart Features & Fixes, Video Tutorials and Latest E-Commerce News

We’re happy to conclude another week with the latest updates our team did on our OpenCart modules.

Version 3.0 should be coming out any moment now and we are still going strong with the compatibility updates of our OpenCart extensions.

iSenseLabs is eagerly awaiting the release of OpenCart’s latest version, how about you?

OpenCart Development

SocialDiscounts 2.4.9 (OC 2.0.3.x - 3.0.x)

Social Discounts for OpenCart

Bug fix: Facebook share was not working because Facebook deprecated the post_id response from the Feed Dialog.

ProductManager 3.1.2 (OC 2.0.3.x - 3.0.x)

Product Manager for OpenCart

New feature: Added sort_order criteria in the product list.

New feature: Added product filter in the product list.

Bug fix: `View orders` problem for no DB_PREFIX.

Bug fix: Delete and Copy button redirect, if there are no selected products. 

Bonus Section: Our Favorite Articles of the Week

How to Get Thousands of Leads from Quora in Five Months

By Sumo

We’ve talked about the Q&A site Quora before, it’s one of the largest communities where you can ask questions and answer them if you have something valuable to say. In this case, we’ll show an article that shows how to become an influencer in Quora in the industry that is the most relevant to your own brand.

Content is Still The King, But Distribution is Your Precious Queen

By Prowly

Another case where Quora can come in handy. If you are running a blog or have any other content marketing strategy (videos for example), distributing that content and getting it to the people who find it relevant and useful is the most difficult thing to do. Here’s an article that can help you find the right direction for your exact industry.

How Product Marketing Helps You Build Product

By Intercom

“Product managers put products on the shelf, while product marketers get it off the shelf.” A popular, but wrong statement because the best products are developed with the market in mind. This article by Intercom puts together a lot of great points that can help you put together a well functioning product development process without the flaws that come from the processes derived from the initial statement.

How to Get the Most Out of Broken Links and 404 Pages in OpenCart

By iSenseLabs

Broken links are a common problem and we all see a 404 page once in a while. The question is, how to deal with those in OpenCart and is there a way we can make the best of a bad situation? In this post, we talk about finding and fixing the broken links in your store, and creating a 404 page that won’t chase your visitors away, but even better - try to keep them around.

iSenseLabs Videos

How to Set Up PayPal Standard in OpenCart 2.x

Pick of The Week

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