GDPR app speed test

Different factors can impact your Shopify store speed. Some of them are under your control and some of them aren't.

In this article, we will focus on our GDPR/CCPA app and how it can affect your Shopify store's performance.

Keep in mind that when you add apps to change the functionality or appearance of your online store, they sometimes add code into the theme so they can run. Some code can be removed or reordered to improve your online store's performance. 

Testing your store speed 

First, go to Online store > Themes and there you will see what is your online store speed. When clicking on the View report button you can see detailed information for your store speed score and how you can improve your speed results. Also, you are able to see the changes in your score and the events that might have prompted them. Events are actions taken on your online store on a particular day. You can select a specific date to view more details.

Your store speed score

Changes in your score by dates

Lighthouse is the tool that Shopify uses to measure the speed of your store. You can use it to investigate your online store's speed and run your own report to view more detailed metrics for different pages in your store.

We are going to compare report results with vs without our GDPR/CCPA app installed. 

Here are the steps you should follow to test your store speed without the GDPR/CCPA app.

Right-mouse-click on your site then choose Inspect > Lighthouse > Choose the device you want to test your store speed Mobile or Desktop > Generate report

Here is how the store performance results look like:

Performance on Mobile

Accessibility on Mobile

SEO on Mobile

If you want to test your store desktop performance choose Desktop option > Generate report

Performance on Desktop

Accessibility on Desktop

SEO on Desktop

How the GDPR/CCPA app can impact on your store performance?

Now it is time to check what will be the results with the GDPR/CCPA app-enabled.

Following the same steps: Right-mouse-click on your site then choose Inspect > Lighthouse > Mobile or Desktop >  Generate report

Here is how the store performance results look like:

Performance on Mobile

Accessibility on Mobile

SEO on Mobile

Desktop speed test results:

Performance on Desktop

Accessibility on Desktop

SEO on Desktop

As you can see from the two reports our GDPR/CCPA app can impact your store performance by 1-2% at most. If you think that our app is slowing down your store, we would advise you to follow the test steps we showed above and compare the results.

Bear in mind that the GDPR/CCPA app loads asynchronously and does not interfere with the initial load on the site itself.

In case of any questions, our FAQ page is available 24/7 or you contact us via chat or email.

If you still don’t use our GDPR/CCPA + Cookie Management app don’t think twice download it now


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