Drive More Sales with Facebook Messenger for OpenCart 3.x
Hey there, thanks for tuning into another OpenCart video tutorial brought by iSenseLabs.
Today we’re talking about the Facebook Messenger.
The chat that so many of us are using on a daily basis. The place where your customers spend a lot of their time.
In OpenCart, there’s an extension you can use to connect your Facebook business profile to your store and create a chat bubble in your website.
Until now, this chat bubble allowed customers to text you and move the conversation to the Messenger app.
With the newest FacebookMessage update, you can now have real-time conversations with your customers without the need for them to leave your online store.
This means they can chat with you and ask questions while they’re browsing your products.
How to get the Messenger into your OpenCart? Let’s show you.
After you download and install FacebookMessage in your store like any other extension, go to the control panel.
The settings are very simple.
First, you give your module a name. For example - Facebook Message.
After that, enable the module status.
Now, you need to enter your Facebook Page ID number in the extension.
You have instructions on how to get it and we’ll show you in a bit.
Below, you have controls for the Messenger button color.
You can set any color you want using the field here.
Underneath, you have two fields where you can edit the greeting text visitors will see in the chat bubble.
And last, there’s a setting that lets you disable the Messenger chat on mobile devices if you want to.
Okay, let’s see how to configure your Facebook Page ID.
Go to your Facebook business profile and hit the About menu.
Scroll down and this is where your Page ID is located. Simply copy and paste it in the control panel field in your OpenCart extension.
Now it’s time to enter your store domain in the Facebook page settings.
Go back to your page, hit settings and go to the Messenger platform tab.
Scroll down to the field called White-listed domains. Enter your store domain there.
After all of this is done, click Save to create your module.
Now assign it to a layout and it will appear in your OpenCart storefront.
And you’re now ready to start chatting with your customers in real time!
That’s all for today. Hope you enjoyed this and have fun by turning those conversations to sales!
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