WishlistDiscounts allows you to view your customers items in their wishlists and send personalized discounts. As an admin, you are able to view customer's name, email date when they added the items and a list of everything in their wishlist. After that you are able to send a personalized mail or mass email all of them. The admin can also view sent and used discount codes.
Main Features:
✯ Added Wishlist archive
✯ Gather customer name, email, date of adding products to Wishlist
✯ View each customer's wishlists and send personalized discount
✯ Custom/Mass email to all customers with generated wishlists
✯ Automatic discount code generator for customers
✯ Set discount code expiration
✯ Multi store and multi lingual
✯ View given versus used discounts
✯ Clean and crisp implementation
Track Sent/Used Coupons
Track and React - get an overview of used vs unused coupon codes, discount amount, client email, start and expiry date.
Multi-functional RTE
No matter if you are sending an email in Spanish, English or Mandarin, WishlistDiscounts offers a truly multilingual experience for your customer. You can also change custom codes or set up your very own unique text.
Unique Discount Codes
WishlistDiscounts generates unique discount codes to customers who have items in their wishlist. If your store does not offer discount codes, that's okay - you can still send them a reminder email for their products in their wishlist.
Compatible with All Themes
WishlistDiscounts OpenCart integration is fully compatible with 99.99% of the OpenCart themes. True story.
Premium Support
By purchasing WishlistDiscounts, you are entitled to 1 Year Premium Support that will get you up and going with the module. You are also granted access to our ticket/feature request system as well as to module updates, current promotions, special bundles etc...
Bundle up. Get WishlistDiscounts and 105+ other OpenCart extensions and themes and save more than $2500.
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