Live Price PRO

Thank you for using iSenseLabs extensions. Starting January 13, 2025, our OpenCart modules will continue to be available “as-is,” and we will no longer be providing maintenance or support.
  • Live Price PRO
  • Live Price PRO
  • Live Price PRO
  • Live Price PRO
LivePricePro improves the default pricing functionality of OpenCart.

You can now update product prices dynamically based on the selected product options. You can also set global discounts and specials, set discounts and specials in percentage, display minimal product prices including product list options and more.

See the demo to learn more about the extension and see how it works.
  • Update the product price

    Update the product price

    Dynamically update the price value on the product page in the customer section, depending on selected options and entered quantity. Updates the list of product discounts the same way (if any).

  • More option price prefixes

    More option price prefixes

    More price prefixes for product options: * / = % (as an addition to the standard + and -).

  • Percentage discounts and specials

    Percentage discounts and specials

    Improves the standard OpenCart feature to set product discounts and specials by setting them in percentage terms.

  • Global discounts and specials

    Global discounts and specials

    Set global discounts and specials for products (by a category, a manufacturer, a customer group or by a combination of the conditions).

  • Calculate option once

    Calculate option once

    Apply an option price modifier (by option price prefix) at once, without dependency on the current product quantity (optional, can be enabled/disabled for every option separately).

  • Display minimal prices

    Display minimal prices

    Display minimal product prices including options (prices «starting from») in product lists (Category page, Search page, Manufacturer page, Latest, Bestsellers, etc.).

  • Use quantity from the shopping cart

    Use quantity from the shopping cart

    Take product quantities already added to the shopping cart into account for getting currently available discounts on the product page in the customer section (optional).

  • Price multiplied by quantity

    Price multiplied by quantity

    Display the current product price on the product page multiplied by the currently entered quantity (optional).

  • Free adaptation to themes

    Free adaptation to themes

    Already compatible with many popular themes and we provide free adaptation to custom themes.

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