
Newsletter subscription widget

Thank you for using iSenseLabs extensions. Starting January 13, 2025, our OpenCart modules will continue to be available “as-is,” and we will no longer be providing maintenance or support.
  • EasyNewsletterSubscription - Newsletter subscription widget
  • EasyNewsletterSubscription - Newsletter subscription widget
  • EasyNewsletterSubscription - Newsletter subscription widget
  • EasyNewsletterSubscription - Newsletter subscription widget
  • EasyNewsletterSubscription - Newsletter subscription widget
EasyNewsletterSubscription is a native one-click email newsletter subscription.

Main Features

✯ Unsubscribe feature for the subscribed customers
✯ Admin can enable/disable unsubscribe button
✯ New algorithm, preventing double subscription
✯ Fully integrated with the default OpenCart mail functionality
✯ Admin can enable/disable unsubscribe button
✯ The success message when a user subscribes has a close button and fades after some seconds.
✯ Multilingual Rich Text Editor, which allows you to have the text just the way you want it
✯ Email all newsletter subscribers directly from the admin panel
✯ Multi-store support
✯ Export contacts into CSV
✯ Position email newsletter on any page
✯ Customers can input email or name and email
✯ Edit/Remove subscribers from administration
✯ Customizable multi-lingual store front
  • Convenient Bulk Email Subscribers

    Convenient Bulk Email Subscribers

    Email all subscribers straight from the admin panel of the module - no gimmicks, no third party software needed.

  • Moderate Subscribers

    Moderate Subscribers

    One stop edit or delete subscribers from the admin page.

  • CSV Ready

    CSV Ready

    With EasyNewsletterSubscription CSV export is just a button away.

  • Position on Any Page

    Position on Any Page

    Every store has a different design. You can position, EasyNewsletterSubscription where you think it fits best.

  • Compatible with All Themes

    Compatible with All Themes

    PreviousNextProduct OpenCart integration is fully compatible with 99.99% of the OpenCart themes. True story.

  • Premium Support

    Premium Support

    By purchasing EasyNewsletterSubscription, you are entitled to 1 Year Premium Support that will get you up and going with the module. You are also granted access to our ticket/feature request system as well as to module updates, current promotions, special bundles etc...

comments powered by Disqus

Wonderful extension, it looks to be more or less what my client would like to have added to her website.

Gridlink, OpenCart UserApril, 2016

The module works good after small bug fixes. I fully recommend this product - technical support works really great!

Tomasz, iSenseLabs UserSeptember, 2016

Used it for one of our customer in the past. Works like charm.

Ashish Nayyar, iSenseLabs UserAugust, 2015