[iSenseLabs Weekly 88] New OpenCart Features & Fixes, Video Tutorials and Latest E-Commerce News

2018 is starting with a bang for a few of our OpenCart modules. It’s almost the middle of January and we already have a lot of stuff to show.

WaterMark now has a completely new redesigned version for OpenCart 3.0! It’s now much easier to watermark the products in your store and you have much more configuration flexibility.

Support for OpenCart 3.0 was added to a few other extensions and we’re still going strong with updating the rest of our products.

WaterMark 1.6 (OC 1.5.4.x - 1.5.6.x)

New feature: Product image paths are now symlinked with meaningful names. This allows for much better watermark management, and it also hides the original image paths. If you are using the LabelMaker extension, you must update it to version 1.10 or newer.

New feature: After clicking Save, WaterMark clears only the watermarked image/cache files, instead of the whole image/cache directory.

Improvement: Better quality of the watermarks.

Bug fix: A watermark was not applied to resized images having the same dimensions as the originals.

Bug fix: The watermark dimensions were not properly calculated for the cases when the watermark is larger than the image.

Bug fix: Font text was getting cut out in some cases.

Bug fix: Some PNG background images could not receive a watermark.

WaterMark 2.2 (OC 2.0.x - 2.3.x)

New feature: Product image paths are now symlinked with meaningful names. This allows for much better watermark management, and it also hides the original image paths. If you are using the LabelMaker extension, you must update it to version 2.6 or newer.

New feature: After clicking Save, WaterMark clears only the watermarked image/cache files, instead of the whole image/cache directory.

Improvement: Better quality of the watermarks.

Bug fix: A watermark was not applied to resized images having the same dimensions as the originals.

Bug fix: The watermark dimensions were not properly calculated for the cases when the watermark is larger than the image.

Bug fix: Font text was getting cut out in some cases.

Bug fix: Some PNG background images could not receive a watermark.

WaterMark 3.2 (OC 3.0.x)

New feature: After clicking Save, WaterMark clears only the watermarked image/cache files, instead of the whole image/cache directory.

New feature: Added dozens of new fonts.

New feature: Watermark live preview box added on the admin panel.

New feature: Product image paths are now symlinked with meaningful names. This allows for much better watermark management, and it also hides the original image paths.

Improvement: Admin panel completely reworked to match OpenCart 3.x.

Improvement: Better quality of the watermarks.

Bug fix: The watermark was applied to every image resize instead of only the initial image resize.

Bug fix: A watermark was not applied to resized images having the same dimensions as the originals.

Bug fix: The watermark dimensions were not properly calculated for the cases when the watermark is larger than the image.

Bug fix: Font text was getting cut out in some cases.

Bug fix: Some PNG background images could not receive a watermark.

LabelMaker 1.10 (OC 1.5.4.x - 1.5.6.x)

New feature: Product image paths are now symlinked with meaningful names. This fixes the issue when unexpected labels are applied to products using the same image. If you are using the WaterMark extension, you must update it to version 1.6 or newer.

Improvement: Labels are now applied to cart items as well.

Bug fix: Remove tooltips to avoid incompatibility with the OpenCart common.js file.

Bug fix: The return_bytes function was throwing an error when used in PHP 7.

LabelMaker 2.6 (OC 2.0.x - 2.3.x)

New feature: Product image paths are now symlinked with meaningful names. This fixes the issue when unexpected labels are applied to products using the same image. If you are using the WaterMark extension, you must update it to version 2.2 or newer.

Improvement: Labels are now applied to cart items as well.

Bug fix: Settings overlap issue fixed.

Bug fix: Remove tooltips to avoid incompatibility with the OpenCart common.js file.

Bug fix: The return_bytes function was throwing an error when used in PHP 7.

iSearch 5.0.1 (OC 3.x)

Improvement: Search term suggestions now return only the longest possible matches for the search phrase.

Bug fix: iSearch product URLs now consider the current site protocol.

Bug fix: <template> tag replaced with <script> for better compatibility with IE11.

Bug fix: Multi-store detection was not working properly.

Bug fix: Apostrophes in the language translations were causing errors.

Bug fix: iSearch was throwing an error in case it was used in a store without a configured engine.

Bug fix: Fix non-AJAX searching in multistore.

GiftTeaser 2.5.7 (OC 2.0.x - 2.3.x)

Bug fix: Module status is now correctly persisted for multistore sites

Improvement: Updating from older versions made easier

NotifyWhenAvailable 2.8.8 (OC 2.0.x - 2.3.x); 3.8.5 (OC 3.0.x)

Bug fix: The module now correctly replaces the add to cart buttons on pages that contain frequently updated content like timers and countdowns

Improvement: 3rd party theme compatibility improvements

DiscountOnLeave 3.1.2 (OC 3.0.x)

Improvement: OpenCart 3.0.x compatibility

SalesForecast 2.2.1 (OC 2.0.x to 2.3.x)

New Feature: Exclude statuses

FacebookComments 3.4.1 (OC 3.0.x)

Improvement: OpenCart 3.0.x compatibility

AlsoBought 3.4.1 (OC 3.0.x)

Improvement: OpenCart 3.0.x compatibility

AlsoViewed 3.3.3 (OC 3.0.x)

Improvement: OpenCart 3.0.x compatibility

DisqusComments 2.3.2 (OC 2.0.x - 2.3.x)

New feature: Option to display a comment counter in the Disqus comments tab on the product page

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