TieredGifts Q&A
When creating TieredGifts we were thinking of a way to increase the cart total for store owners. TieredGifts is a wonderful cognitive module that does just that.
It allows you to create different gift tiers and add multiple gifts that a customer can choose from when spending a certain amount on the site. The module also creates a different page that you can put on your main menu.
Once the customer goes to the page they can see all the cool free gifts they can choose from (if they spend enough money). In case the customer misses this page you can show them the page once again right before the checkout.
Let's answer some questions.
Just installed TieredGifts and I have a problem with the module. The discounts are not calculated up in my cart.
The issue is most probably caused because the sort order for your order totals is not defined. The Order Totals are configured from Extensions > Order Totals, where each of them has a sort order.
You simply need to set the sort order for the TieredGifts order totals, the Sub-total, and the Totals.
Please keep this in mind if you have another store, you can always change the sort order of the order totals. In the most common case although not always, the sort order needs to be set in the second position.
Is TieredGifts multi-lingual and how can I translate it in my language?
TieredGifts is multi-lingual and what you have to do is translate the module language file.
Please access the file catalog/language/english/module/tieredgifts.php and copy it. Access catalog/language/YOURLANGUAGE/module/ folder and paste the file. Change the content of the file by translating the text into your language.
Here is how the content of the file looks like. You would need to change the text after the equal sign "=":
$_['heading_title'] = 'Tiered Gifts'; $_['h1_title'] = 'Choose one of the following gifts below:'; $_['text_breadcrumb'] = 'Tiered Gifts'; $_['text_breadcrumb_cart'] = 'Shopping Cart'; $_['button_shopping'] = 'Back to cart'; $_['button_gift'] = 'Get Gift'; $_['button_checkout'] ='Checkout'; $_['free_text'] = 'FREE'; $_['eligible_for_gift'] = 'You are eligible to choose one FREE gift. <a href="index.php?route=module/tieredgifts/listing">Click here</a> to view the gifts.'; $_['fancybox_heading_title_add'] = 'Add gift to cart'; $_['fancybox_heading_title_change'] = 'Change gift'; $_['fancybox_add_to_cart_button'] = 'Add to cart'; $_['fancybox_change_gift_button'] = 'Change';
Save the file and check the result.
Is there a limit to the gifts I can set for every tier?
There isn`t a limit on the number of the gift products you can set.
The way the module works is that it allows you to chose any of your existing products and basically create a gift out of it. You can categorize your products in tiers and the user can choose which product to get as a gift. Again, you can use any product which is available on Catalog > Products.
How does TieredGifts work with Taxes?
TieredGifts is quite versatile when it comes to taxes. It allows you to add gifts with Taxes applied or without Taxes applied to them. To switch between the settings please go to the module Admin and then select Tax settings under the Control Panel.
That’s all!
That`s it for today. Let us know if you have any questions about the module in the comments section below.