7 OpenCart SEO Basics to Set Up Your Online Store For Growth

Improve your OpenCart SEO for search engines to get more people in your store. Add metadata, keywords, alt text, optimize images and a lot more to improve your online store's SEO.
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SEO in OpenCart 3: All the New Features You Need for Boosting Your Google Ranks

The newest version of SEO Backpack for OpenCart 3.0.2.x comes loaded with all the vital features you need to have your store’s basic search engine optimization covered.
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6 SEO Backpack Improvements to Help Strengthen Your OpenCart Ranking

Google values user experience and the new SEO Backpack is packed with new features to make your optimization in OpenCart much easier and give you more control.
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How to Enable SEO URLs in OpenCart 2.x (Apache and NGINX Servers)

SEO in OpenCart is one of the starting points when you are building your store. If you know a little about search engine optimization, you will probably know that links are one of the most powerful factors for the ranking of any website.
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What Does the Google Mobile First Index Mean for Your Ranking?

We are becoming more and more addicted to technology and using our smartphones for all the answers we need. The numbers are staggering - 2 trillion Google searches are made each year and more than half of them are made from mobile devices.
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Google Goes After Intrusive Mobile Popups and How to Protect Your OpenCart Store

At first, we thought it was just another rumor to cause panic. However, we actually saw it for ourselves - this is definitely happening. Popups that appear on mobile devices and are difficult to close are going to be the next target for Google. Websites using these popups will be punished by the search engine with lower rankings.
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How to Find and Install Hundreds of Free OpenCart Modules using Google Search Tricks

February 18, 2016
This blogpost will explore the best ways to find free plugins for your store using the search engines.
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Block unwanted bots from accessing your site

All kind of bots are walking around the internet these days searching for personal information or other information which is not targeted for the general public. In this article we will show you how you can protect your site from such malicious bots.
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How to rank higher on Google using OpenCart SEO pack

May 7, 2015
As an OpenCart store owner a reasonable amount of your clients get to you through Google, Bing or some other search engine, so it is really important to have a search engine friendly website. That is why you need to constantly improve your site’s pages content. Or simply put use SEO techniques.
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