With this second blog post about Google Consent Mode, we will give you updated information on how it can help you adjust your Google tags based on your users' consent status.
Continue reading Automatically translate your Cookie Bar with the Set Language feature
August 11, 2022
If your store is non-English, you would find our "Set Language For The Cookie Bar & Preferences popup" feature extremely useful. With this recent update, our premium users can translate the Cookie bar and Preferences popup into French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and Japanese with a click of a button.
Continue reading Plan updates for our GDPR/CCPA app on Shopify
July 7, 2022
The newly updated plans for our GDPR/CCPA app are already live. Check out the new features we offer, including a brand new Enterprise Annual Plan!
Continue reading Translation tab updates in the GDPR/CCPA app - What is new?
May 19, 2022
Our most recent update within the settings of the GDPR/CCPA + Cookie Management app is in the Translation tab. We listened to your requests and we are currently in the process of delivering a more seamless experience in the context of translating the app. In this article, we will show you all the new changes that we added for you. Let's dive right in:
Continue reading New updates in the Design Settings tab - what we have improved
April 28, 2022
The Design Settings tab of the GDPR/CCPA + Cookie Management app has been recently updated. In this article, will show you the new outlook of the tab and all the options that you can use in order to customize the Cookie Bar and Preferences Popup in a way to completely match your brand. Let's dive right in:
Continue reading GDRP/CCPA app - Help Center improvements
April 1, 2021
The Help Center in the GDPR/CCPA app has been recently improved and we are happy to show you all the options and useful information that you can find there. This will help you check any initial issues you may experience with the app, find useful resources, or even diagnose your situation before opening a chat with a support agent.
When navigating to the Help Center tab now, you will be able to see the brand new outlook of this section with two options: Live Chat and FAQ
Continue reading GDPR for Shopify: New Plans - What to Expect
June 25, 2020
LongTimeNoAppUpdate, well not anymore... Introducing our new GDPR/CCPA + Cookie Management app plans:
Continue reading ExcelPort: Introducing Bulk Mode
July 8, 2016
iSenseLabs has released a new major version of ExcelPort. Check this out to see the awesome new feature.
Continue reading iSenseLabs OpenCart Products Now Feature Live Release Logs
June 27, 2016
Documenting and sharing the release notes of each OpenCart module is one of the most important things for our software development team.
Continue reading