Have you ever thought of using gifts as a marketing technique? Have you tried to attract new and loyal customers, and increase average order value by offering something free as a reward for a larger checkout?
This is now possible for OpenCart store owners.
Continue reading How to Create New OpenCart Categories with SEO in Mind
June 3, 2016
What makes most Ecommerce websites easy to use and navigate is not so much their beautiful design, but the way the products are arranged. Usability in digital commerce depends on how easy you make it for customers to find the product or products they want to find. Product categories and subcategories are used to organize your products, and their structure depends on you.
Continue reading How to migrate from OpenCart to OpenCart 2.x with ExcelPort
October 7, 2014
OpenCart have recently released the second major version of their free e-commerce system. If you wish to migrate from OpenCart to OpenCart 2.x, this is the tutorial for you.
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